Made Me Cholesterol Toast 






The current mood of at

All scenes are copy written, so don't copy me, by Herman Civils 2002. Any profit made for producing any scenes publicly must be noted, as Herman Civils deserves a portion of the profits. Do not pass this off as your own. It's not yours.


Wednesday, November 05, 2003

fuck you eudora fuck you race fuck you money, the root of all things evil in this world FUCK YOU fuck you shitty asheville sunny hot as FALL weather fuck you you fuck you Eudora peice of shit fuck you money fuck you you you you fuck you Mosely fuck you and your stupid requirements fuck all of you in that department who had a hand in deciding those requirements Maitra you're ok. everyone else can fucking eat it. fuck you money fuck you stupid 80 degree weather fuck you metric system, I use Farenheit fuck you Celcius you were created so British people could feel more superior over the Americans which may be true but don't fucking rub it in with your stupid pathetic little quantities. fuck you fuck you forrest fuck you for trying to a father figure fuck you stupid fuck fuck money fuck you money twice fuck you no munch money fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck you Plato mother fucker fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you Fiodhnflkajsdhfhnadsfhasdofhasdjfkaslrkflsadflfdaslfdaslsfadsljfdasljfasdasfll Fuck you blogger i can't even fucking post this

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