Made Me Cholesterol Toast 






The current mood of at

All scenes are copy written, so don't copy me, by Herman Civils 2002. Any profit made for producing any scenes publicly must be noted, as Herman Civils deserves a portion of the profits. Do not pass this off as your own. It's not yours.


Sunday, December 29, 2002

I was reading over some of these past scripts and I have to say, a lot of this is pretty lame (see Malcontents Make Me Look Average). I can do better. But probably not today.

What Code 2 Means
by Herman Civils

A young man of a twenty-ish age is riding the city bus downtown. The boy sits right-center while his inner-monolouge is relayed to the audience with an actor downstage left center.

Devon - Sweats profusely and looks around nervously
Inner-Monolouge - Fuck what street is this? What street is this? Where are the fucking street signs? Hello, street signs? Where the fuck am I? What sort of fucking city dosen't have...oh, Mason Street. Fuck it all. One, two, um...
Devon - Reaches inside his coat pocket and pulls out a map. He studies it for a moments and places it back inside his coat pocket.
Inner-Monolouge - This lady is friggin huge. I bet she eats salads too. She's going to fly that's for sure. I like these shoes but I can't find anymore like them. I wonder if that place out on 401 has some. I should have gone their yesterday, damn it. How big are her pads? Do you have to be of a certain size to use tampons or what? For someone as big as her, she doesn't smell very bad. I think we should have discussed me carrying a CD player. That's more conspicous I think. Makes it look like I'm in my own world. Oh well, no more Rush Greatest Hits. Oh well. Did I turn off the oven? You jerk, does it matter? Five more stops I think. Oh here's one. Fuck, you'd think people would be a little more brisk. These people and their sad ways - I guess I'd take my fucking time if I was one of them, lazy and stupid. Wish I had eaten that blintz. Crapity crap crap, I want my blintz! Blintz blintz blintz blintz blintz blintz. I wish I had made up that name. What time is it? Watch. What? Where is, where is my watch?
Devon - Frantically searches his pockets for his watch. Mam, do you have the time please?
Lady 1 - 6:10
Inner-Monlouge - 6:10, it's getting close. Getting closer. What door do I go in? Will if be obvious, I hope? This deoderant is an anti-perspirant I think. It's really making my pit hairs hurt. Can't let that affect my performance. Minus ten points for that guy with the toupe. That's just ridiculous. Rye-dick-you-luss. Uhp! Next stop. Next stop. Whew my stomach is killing me. Like a knife in my small intestines. But can't stomach acid dissolve metal or something. WHy would I swallow a knife? Geez, I wish I had some Pepto or something, geez. Owch, this is fucking insane! One stop, hurry. Han old buddy don't fail me now. This lady better move her fat ass when I get up. It's 6:12 I guess. Come on, you can turn right on red. Turn! Turn you fuck! Mo mo mo mo, hurry up! I guess I could do my prayers, maybe now. It's getting close I think. Lord, please deliver me to heaven and protect the fortress of your power from those who chose a life of sin. I pray to be with me in my quest to clean your creation, to rid your doings of evil, forever amen. Be with us this day, in your name I pray. Amen. Mercy mercy mercy. Hurry. This is a really hot coat. Really hot. I'm a rabid monkey in this thing. Let's go let's go. The bus stops and the door opens. Devon gets up quickly and walks off the bus. Devon exits stage right. This is the day that the lord has made. Let us be glad in it. How great thou art? How great thou art? Door door door? Ah, entrance. Amazing grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost...
Lady 2 - offstage Um, sir do you have an apointment.
Inner-Monlouge - ...but now I'm found...
Lady 2 Sir! Sir, do you have an apointment-HEY you can't go back their. Sir! Security! Security!
Inner-Monlouge - Deliver us from evil, for thine is thy kingdom...
Lady 2 - Sir this is a private facility!
Inner-Monlouge - ...and the power...
Lady 2 - SECURITY! CODE 2!
Inner-Monlouge - ...and the glory...
Lady 2 - He's there in the black coat!
Inner-Monlouge - ...forever...
Lady 2 - In the coat-HE'S WEARING A-
Inner-Monlouge - ...AMEN!...

A thundering explosion goes off, followed by a blasting sound of glass and concrete. Dust settles slowly and a fire rumbles violently as sounds of the distant sirens can be heard faintly.

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